pET-30c(+) 载体

别名: pET30c, pet 30c
质粒类型: 大肠杆菌表达载体
克隆方法: 多克隆位点,限制性内切酶
载体大小: 5423 bp (查看载体序列)
5' 测序引物: T7
载体标签: N-His, N-S, N-Thrombin, N-EK, C-His
载体抗性: Kanamycin (卡那霉素)
备注: N term thrombin cleavage site; N term enterokinase cleavage site; a,b,c vary by MCS
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VT1214 pET-30c(+) 2ug 点击询价

The pET-30a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal His• Tag®/ thrombin/ S• Tag™/ enterokinase configuration plus an optional C-terminal His• Tag sequence. Unique sites are shown on the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circular map. The cloning/expression region of the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase is shown below. The f1 origin is oriented so that infection with helper phage will produce virions containing single-stranded DNA that corresponds to the coding strand. Therefore, single-stranded sequencing should be performed using the T7 terminator primer (Cat. No. 69337-3).